









AGARDH CA, 1830. Conspectus Criticus Diatomacearum. Part 1 [M]. Lundae: Literis Berlingianus: 1-16.
GONG Z, LI Y, METZELTIN D, et al. , 2013. New species of Cymbella and Placoneis (Bacillariophyta) from late Pleistocene fossil, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 150(1): 29-40.
GUIRY MD, GUIRY GM, 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Available from: http: //www. algaebase. org (accessed 23 November 2021).
HAMILTON PB, SAVOIE AM, SAYRE CM, et al. , 2019a. Novel Neidium Pfitzer species from western Canada based upon morphology and plastid DNA sequences [J]. Phytotaxa, 419(1): 39-62.
HAMILTON PB, STACHURA-SUCHOPLES K, KUSBER WH, et al. , 2019b. Typification of the puzzling diatom species Neidium iridis (Neidiaceae) [J]. Plant Ecol and Evol, 152(2): 392-401.
HU ZJ, LI YL, METZELTIN D, 2013. Three new species of Cymbella (Bacillariophyta) from high altitude lakes, China [J]. Acta Bot Croat, 72(2): 359-374.
HU YY, ZHU ZF, SUN X, et al. , 2021. Pomacea canaliculata is an important invasive species causing ecological vulnerability [J]. J Trop Med, 21(10): 1364-1368. [胡云逸, 朱梓锋, 孙希, 等, 2021. 入侵物种福寿螺对不同生态系统的破坏性影响 [J]. 热带医学杂志, 21(10): 1364-1368. ]
KAPUSTIN DA, KULIKOVSKIY M, KOCIOLEK JP, 2018. Celebesia gen. nov. , a new cymbelloid diatom genus from the ancient Lake Matano (Sulawesi Island, Indonesia) [J]. Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 146: 147-155.
KRAMMER K, 2002. Diatoms of Europe: Cymbella [M]. Ruggell: A. R. G. Gantner Verlag, 3: 159-174.
LI JH, WANG D, YANG M, et al. , 2015. Farmer’s rice fertilizing behaviors and policy implications [J]. Resour Environ Yangtze Basin, 24(3): 524-530. [李纪华, 王东, 杨沫, 等, 2015. 农民水稻施肥行为研究与政策涵义 [J]. 长江流域资源与环境, 24(3): 524-530. ]
LIU B, WILLIAMS DM, LIU QY, 2018. A new species of Cymbella (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyceae) from China, possessing valves with both uniseriate and biseriate striae [J]. Phytotaxa, 344(1): 39-46.
LIU B, WILLIAMS DM, LI Y, et al. , 2020. Two new species of Cymbella (Bacillariophyceae) from China, with comments on their valve dimensions [J]. Diatom Res, 35(1): 99-111.
LIU Q, WU H, LI YL, et al. , 2021. One new species of Cymbella CA Agardh (Bacillariophyta) from high altitude lakes in the Hengduan Mountains of Southwest China [J]. Acta Bot Croat, 80(2): 184-190.
PAN DL, ZHANG JH, LONG J, et al. , 2014. Impacts of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) on water quality and microbes [J]. Chin J Eco-Agric, 22(1): 58-62. [潘冬丽, 张家辉, 龙俊, 等, 2014. 福寿螺对水体环境与水体微生物的影响 [J]. 中国生态农业学报, 22(1): 58-62. ]
ROUND FE, CRAWFORD RM, MANN DG, 1990. The diatoms: biology and morphology of the genera [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1-747.
SHI ZX, 2013. Flora Algarum Sinicarum Aquae Dulcis. Bacillariophyta Cymbellaceae: Vol. 16 [M]. Beijing: Science Press: 1-218. [施之新, 2013. 中国淡水藻志第十六卷硅藻门桥弯藻科 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社: 1-218. ]
VIGNESHWARAN A, KARTHICK B, KULIKOVSKIY MS, et al. , 2019. A new species of Cymbella (Bacillariophyceae, cymbellaceae) from the Pavana River, western ghats, India [J]. Phytotaxa, 395(3): 209-218.
ZHANG W, JÜTTNER I, COX EJ, et al. , 2018. Cymbella liyangensis sp. nov. , a new cymbelloid species (Bacillario-phyceae) from streams in North Tianmu Mountain, Jiangsu Province, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 348(1): 14-22.
ZHANG Y, LIAO MN, LI YL, et al. , 2021. Cymbella xiaojinensis sp. nov. , a new cymbelloid diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) from high altitude lakes, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 482(1): 55-64.
ZHANG ZY, RIOUAL P, PENG Y, et al. , 2017. Cymbella pamirensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from an alpine lake in the Pamir Mountains, Northwestern China [J]. Phytotaxa, 308(2): 249-258.


    在对湖南省硅藻多样性研究过程中,发现其中一采自湘江的桥弯藻种类具有以下鉴定特征:(1) 细胞小,长度小于29 μm;(2) 壳面略微呈背腹之分;(3) 远缝端末梢向壳面背侧弯曲;(4) 顶孔区很小,由1~3横列形态不同的两种类型孔纹组成,一种孔纹与壳面上的孔纹相似,呈狭缝隙状,另一种为圆形小孔,其内部开口上方有袋盖状硅质突出物覆盖;(5) 壳面背侧中部处线纹密度每10 μm为10~12条、腹侧中部处每10 μm为11~13条,孔纹密度每10 μm为30~40个;(6) 在靠近壳面腹侧中央区具有1~2个孤点。经与帕瓦拉桥弯藻(Cymbella pavanaensis A. Vigneshwaran et al.)模式种群相比较,该文确定上述桥弯藻即为帕瓦拉桥弯藻。该文提供了对帕瓦拉桥弯藻超微结构的更多清晰认识,扩大了其地理分布区域,且是该种在中国的首次报道。


    During the process of studying the diatom diversity of Hunan Province, we find that a Cymbella species collected from Xiang River possesses the following diagnostic features: (1) Cells are small and their lengths are less than 29 μm; (2) Valves exhibit slight dorsiventrality; (3) Distal raphe fissures are dorsally deflected; (4) Apical pore fields are very small and composed of 1-3 transapical rows of porelli, which comprise two forms, one is slit-like, similar to the areolae on the valve face, and the other is rounded with internal openings covered by the flap-like silica projections; (5) Striae 10-12/10 μm at the dorsal middle part, 11-13/10 μm at the ventral middle part, and areolae 30-40/10 μm; (6) And 1-2 stigmata exist near the valve ventral central area. After comparing this species with the type population of Cymbella pavanaensis A. Vigneshwaran et al., in this paper, it is identified as C. pavanaensis. This paper provides a clearer knowledge of the ultrastructure of C. pavanaensis, enlarges its geographical distribution region, and reports it for the first time in China.



  • 桥弯藻属(Cymbella Agardh)于1830年创立(Agardh,1830),是硅藻门中重要类群,也是较大的硅藻属之一(Kapustin et al.,2018)。Krammer(2002)在其桥弯藻属专著中将该属的主要鉴定特征归纳如下:(1)壳面具有背腹之分,即有弯曲程度大的背侧和弯曲程度较小或平直或内凹的腹侧;(2)两个远缝端末梢皆向壳面背侧弯曲;(3)绝大多数种类壳面两末端具有顶孔区;(4)多数种类腹侧有一个或多个孤点。Krammer(2002)在其专著中给出了桥弯藻属的129种和31个变种详细资料,其中100个种(63%)被确定为新种或新变种。Krammer 2002年的专著是目前世界范围内广泛采用的桥弯藻属种类鉴定的重要参考文献。

  • Guiry和Guiry(2021)在AlgaeBase网站上列出了该属的1 576种(和种下)名称,其中357种是目前接受的分类名称。近年来,中国学者对中国的桥弯藻属相继进行了许多研究(Hu et al.,2013;Gong et al.,2013;Zhang et al.,2017;Zhang et al.,2018;Liu et al.,2018,2020;Zhang et al.,2021;Liu et al.,2021)。施之新(2013)发表了关于中国桥弯藻科(Cymbellaceae)的专著,其中包括桥弯藻属的49种和5个变种,是对中国桥弯藻属的一个较全面的研究总结。然而,中国是一个幅员辽阔的大国,具有丰富多样的水域生态系统,许多重要或关键地区水域生态系统的硅藻尚未有人涉足。因此,在中国,桥弯藻及其他硅藻仍急需进一步探索和发现。在对湘江的石附生硅藻研究中,我们发现了一些尚未报道过的硅藻种类,本文报道其中一中国新记录种——帕瓦拉桥弯藻(Cymbella pavanaensis A. Vigneshwaran)[新拟,种加词pavanaensis是指该种的模式种发现地点:印度的帕瓦拉河(Pavana River)](Vigneshwaran et al.,2019)。

  • 1 材料与方法

  • 本文的硅藻样品于2021年10月3日采自于湘江的左支,具体取样点位于广西兴安县的江脊(地理坐标为110°41′47″ E、25°39′55″ N,海拔210 m)。取样水体的基本理化信息:温度为(28.53 ± 0.05)℃、pH为8.66 ± 0.05、电导率为(224.33 ± 1.25)μS·cm-1。取样方法:选择水下带有较多黄褐色生物膜的石头,用牙刷把岩石表面的附生硅藻用力刷入塑料盘内;然后冲洗石头被刷表面残留样品到塑料盘内;将盘内收集的硅藻样品倒入100 mL的样品瓶中,每个样点收集两瓶;用70%的酒精固定,然后密封带回实验室处理。

  • 在实验室采用常规方法处理硅藻样品,具体方法:从取回的硅藻样品溶液中吸取25 mL溶液,移入洗净的250 mL烧杯中,加入30%双氧水50 mL,在80℃恒温加热6 h,氧化除掉有机物质,然后加入5 mL 10%的HCl除掉含钙化合物,再加入去离子水静置12 h后吸去上清液,这个过程重复5次以得到干净的硅藻标本。利用Naphrax封装剂制成永久装片以供光学显微镜观察和拍照(德国徕卡光学显微镜和摄像头,型号分别为Leica DM2000和Leica MC190 HD)。永久装片保存在吉首大学标本馆。扫描电镜观察在湖南怀化学院完成(德国卡尔蔡司场发射扫描电子显微镜,型号Sigma HD)。

  • 本研究中文硅藻术语主要参照Round等(1990)推荐的相关术语,这里列出一些本文中重要的中英文术语对照和英文缩写,以方便读者阅读。壳面(valve)、孤点(stigma)、线纹(stria)、孔纹(areola)、线性孔纹(lineola)、中央节(central nodule)、顶孔区(apical pore fields,APFs)、壳缝(raphe)、近缝端(proximal raphe ending)、远缝端末梢(distal raphe fissure)、外面观(external view)、内面观(internal view)、螺旋舌(helictoglossa,复数helictoglossae)、光学显微镜(light microscope,LM)、扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)。

  • 2 结果与分析

  • 帕瓦拉桥弯藻(新拟;图版I,图版Ⅱ,图版Ⅲ)

  • Cymbella pavanaensis A. Vigneshwaran, Kulikovskiy, Kociolek & B. Karthick, in Vigneshwaran et al.2019, p.212: Fig.1-28; p.214: Fig.29-32; p.215: Fig.33-36.

  • 光学显微镜观察结果如图版I所示。壳面稍具背腹之分,椭圆披针形,背缘明显凸出,腹部边缘稍凸。两端几乎不延伸,宽圆形到狭圆形;31个标本的壳面长22~28 μm,宽5~6 μm,长宽比3.7~4.9。无中央区,中轴区窄,线形。壳缝基本位于壳面中部,近缝端丝状,远缝端丝状并弯向背侧。腹侧有1~2个孤点,但是紧靠中部线纹的中

  • 图版 Ⅰ 帕瓦拉桥弯藻光学显微镜图(1 000×)

  • Plate Ⅰ Cymbella pavanaensis (LM) (1 000×)

  • 扫描电子显微镜观察结果见图版Ⅱ和图版Ⅲ。壳面椭圆披针形(图版Ⅱ:A,C;图版Ⅲ:A,C)。无中央区,腹侧孤点外侧开口为简单圆形,无膜覆盖(图版Ⅱ:B,D);孤点内侧开口为狭缝隙状,周围被齿状的硅质物所围绕(图版Ⅲ:B,D)。壳缝基本位于壳面中部,外远缝端末梢向背侧弯曲,外近缝端存在中央孔并偏向背侧(图版Ⅱ:B,D)。从壳内面看,远缝端终止于螺旋舌(图版Ⅲ:E-F),而近缝端不可见,被帽状的硅质结构所遮盖(图版Ⅲ:B,D)。线纹单列,孔纹狭缝隙状,孔纹的宽度从壳面中间向边缘逐渐增加,孔纹密度30~40个/10 μm。末端具有很小的顶孔区,由1~3列横向小孔组成,小孔有两种形状:一种与壳面孔纹相似呈狭缝隙状(图版Ⅱ:E-F);另一种则是圆形的小孔(图版Ⅱ:E-F),顶孔区小圆孔内部开口上方有袋盖状硅质突出物覆盖(图版Ⅲ:E-F)。

  • 3 讨论

  • Cymbella kolbei Hustedt、C. kolbei var. angusta Krammer、C. hustedtii Krasske和C. tridentina Lange-Bertalot,Cantonati &;Scalfi四个桥弯藻种类与帕瓦拉桥弯藻具有相似的形态特征。Vigneshwaran等(2019)在发表帕瓦拉桥弯藻时已对它们之间的区别进行了仔细比较和分析(Vigneshwaran et al.,2019),本文不再重复列表比较它们之间的区别,但是为了便于读者更清楚地认识帕瓦拉桥弯藻形态特征,这里对Vigneshwaran等(2019)一文中表2的内容翻译和说明如下:帕瓦拉桥弯藻与C. hustedtii的区别在于前者腹侧着生有1~2个孤点,而后者腹侧没有孤点;帕瓦拉桥弯藻的顶孔区由两种不同形态的孔纹组成,即狭缝隙状的与壳面孔纹相似的孔纹和圆形的孔纹组成,而C. kolbeiC. kolbei var. angustaC. tridentina的顶孔区都只由一种形态类型的孔纹(圆形小孔纹)组成;帕瓦拉桥弯藻无中央区,而C. kolbeiC. kolbei var. angustaC. tridentina存在很小的中央区。从以上比较可以看出,帕瓦拉桥弯藻具有孤点,其顶孔区由两种类型的孔纹组成和无中央区存在是与其他相似种类相区分的独特性状组合。

  • 图版 Ⅱ 帕瓦拉桥弯藻扫描电子显微镜图(外壳面观)

  • Plate Ⅱ Cymbella pavanaensis (valve external view) (SEM)

  • 帕瓦拉桥弯藻的模式种群是发现于印度的帕瓦拉河,该河是一条中等富营养化的河流(Vigneshwaran et al.,2019)。在本文中的帕瓦拉桥弯藻种群取样点,我们发现河岸两边有许多福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck)粉红色的卵,我们推测该河流可能有较多福寿螺存在。福寿螺繁殖能力强、食量大,其分泌物和排泄物会大量进入生存的水体中,导致水体pH值下降从而降低光合细菌的消化速度,抑制水体中氮化合物的分解,促进水体中藻类和微生物的繁殖(胡云逸等,2021)。同时,福寿螺产生的污染物可随水流形成更大范围的污染,或在某些静水地段发生汇集,造成严重的水体富营养化(潘冬丽等,2014)。另外,取样河流的两侧有许多水稻田。众所周知,水稻种植离不开N肥和P肥,其施肥量对水质产生重要影响,农户长期施肥会造成N和P不断积累,可导致周围水体严重富营养化(李纪华等,2015)。因此,我们推测本文中的帕瓦拉桥弯藻生境是富营养化的水体。基于以上形态比较和生态需求相似性,我们可以充分确定本文中的帕瓦拉桥弯藻身份。本研究中,帕瓦拉桥弯藻有时具有2个孤点。孤点的存在与否,需要通过扫描电镜观察到其内部开口后来确定,而实际情况是由于很多研究者在电镜下只观察少量标本,因此对孤点的统计往往不准确。基于本文的研究结果,帕瓦拉桥弯藻的孤点数量应被修订为每个壳面具有1~2个。

  • 从全球来看,目前硅藻的分类仍然是基于形态学上的特征来进行,属与属之间及同属之下各种类之间的区分,都越来越依赖超微结构特征(Round et al.,1990;Hamilton et al.,2019a,b)。在桥弯藻属种类的鉴定中,壳面形状、中央区和线纹等形态特征,虽然在光学显微镜下能辨别,但壳面上的孔纹、壳缝末梢、螺旋舌和顶孔区等超微结构,都需要通过扫描电子显微镜观察来获得清晰的认识,孤点也需要通过扫描电子显微镜观察其内侧构造来最终确认。本文增加了对帕瓦拉桥弯藻超微结构的更多清晰认识,是世界上第二个对帕瓦拉桥弯藻的报道,并且把它的分布区域从印度扩展到了中国的湘江。

  • 图版 Ⅲ 帕瓦拉桥弯藻扫描电子显微镜图(内壳面观)

  • Plate Ⅲ Cymbella pavanaensis (valve internal view) (SEM)

  • 参考文献

    • AGARDH CA, 1830. Conspectus Criticus Diatomacearum. Part 1 [M]. Lundae: Literis Berlingianus: 1-16.

    • GONG Z, LI Y, METZELTIN D, et al. , 2013. New species of Cymbella and Placoneis (Bacillariophyta) from late Pleistocene fossil, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 150(1): 29-40.

    • GUIRY MD, GUIRY GM, 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Available from: http: //www. algaebase. org (accessed 23 November 2021).

    • HAMILTON PB, SAVOIE AM, SAYRE CM, et al. , 2019a. Novel Neidium Pfitzer species from western Canada based upon morphology and plastid DNA sequences [J]. Phytotaxa, 419(1): 39-62.

    • HAMILTON PB, STACHURA-SUCHOPLES K, KUSBER WH, et al. , 2019b. Typification of the puzzling diatom species Neidium iridis (Neidiaceae) [J]. Plant Ecol and Evol, 152(2): 392-401.

    • HU ZJ, LI YL, METZELTIN D, 2013. Three new species of Cymbella (Bacillariophyta) from high altitude lakes, China [J]. Acta Bot Croat, 72(2): 359-374.

    • HU YY, ZHU ZF, SUN X, et al. , 2021. Pomacea canaliculata is an important invasive species causing ecological vulnerability [J]. J Trop Med, 21(10): 1364-1368. [胡云逸, 朱梓锋, 孙希, 等, 2021. 入侵物种福寿螺对不同生态系统的破坏性影响 [J]. 热带医学杂志, 21(10): 1364-1368. ]

    • KAPUSTIN DA, KULIKOVSKIY M, KOCIOLEK JP, 2018. Celebesia gen. nov. , a new cymbelloid diatom genus from the ancient Lake Matano (Sulawesi Island, Indonesia) [J]. Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 146: 147-155.

    • KRAMMER K, 2002. Diatoms of Europe: Cymbella [M]. Ruggell: A. R. G. Gantner Verlag, 3: 159-174.

    • LI JH, WANG D, YANG M, et al. , 2015. Farmer’s rice fertilizing behaviors and policy implications [J]. Resour Environ Yangtze Basin, 24(3): 524-530. [李纪华, 王东, 杨沫, 等, 2015. 农民水稻施肥行为研究与政策涵义 [J]. 长江流域资源与环境, 24(3): 524-530. ]

    • LIU B, WILLIAMS DM, LIU QY, 2018. A new species of Cymbella (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyceae) from China, possessing valves with both uniseriate and biseriate striae [J]. Phytotaxa, 344(1): 39-46.

    • LIU B, WILLIAMS DM, LI Y, et al. , 2020. Two new species of Cymbella (Bacillariophyceae) from China, with comments on their valve dimensions [J]. Diatom Res, 35(1): 99-111.

    • LIU Q, WU H, LI YL, et al. , 2021. One new species of Cymbella CA Agardh (Bacillariophyta) from high altitude lakes in the Hengduan Mountains of Southwest China [J]. Acta Bot Croat, 80(2): 184-190.

    • PAN DL, ZHANG JH, LONG J, et al. , 2014. Impacts of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) on water quality and microbes [J]. Chin J Eco-Agric, 22(1): 58-62. [潘冬丽, 张家辉, 龙俊, 等, 2014. 福寿螺对水体环境与水体微生物的影响 [J]. 中国生态农业学报, 22(1): 58-62. ]

    • ROUND FE, CRAWFORD RM, MANN DG, 1990. The diatoms: biology and morphology of the genera [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1-747.

    • SHI ZX, 2013. Flora Algarum Sinicarum Aquae Dulcis. Bacillariophyta Cymbellaceae: Vol. 16 [M]. Beijing: Science Press: 1-218. [施之新, 2013. 中国淡水藻志第十六卷硅藻门桥弯藻科 [M]. 北京: 科学出版社: 1-218. ]

    • VIGNESHWARAN A, KARTHICK B, KULIKOVSKIY MS, et al. , 2019. A new species of Cymbella (Bacillariophyceae, cymbellaceae) from the Pavana River, western ghats, India [J]. Phytotaxa, 395(3): 209-218.

    • ZHANG W, JÜTTNER I, COX EJ, et al. , 2018. Cymbella liyangensis sp. nov. , a new cymbelloid species (Bacillario-phyceae) from streams in North Tianmu Mountain, Jiangsu Province, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 348(1): 14-22.

    • ZHANG Y, LIAO MN, LI YL, et al. , 2021. Cymbella xiaojinensis sp. nov. , a new cymbelloid diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) from high altitude lakes, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 482(1): 55-64.

    • ZHANG ZY, RIOUAL P, PENG Y, et al. , 2017. Cymbella pamirensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from an alpine lake in the Pamir Mountains, Northwestern China [J]. Phytotaxa, 308(2): 249-258.

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    • PAN DL, ZHANG JH, LONG J, et al. , 2014. Impacts of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) on water quality and microbes [J]. Chin J Eco-Agric, 22(1): 58-62. [潘冬丽, 张家辉, 龙俊, 等, 2014. 福寿螺对水体环境与水体微生物的影响 [J]. 中国生态农业学报, 22(1): 58-62. ]

    • ROUND FE, CRAWFORD RM, MANN DG, 1990. The diatoms: biology and morphology of the genera [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1-747.

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    • VIGNESHWARAN A, KARTHICK B, KULIKOVSKIY MS, et al. , 2019. A new species of Cymbella (Bacillariophyceae, cymbellaceae) from the Pavana River, western ghats, India [J]. Phytotaxa, 395(3): 209-218.

    • ZHANG W, JÜTTNER I, COX EJ, et al. , 2018. Cymbella liyangensis sp. nov. , a new cymbelloid species (Bacillario-phyceae) from streams in North Tianmu Mountain, Jiangsu Province, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 348(1): 14-22.

    • ZHANG Y, LIAO MN, LI YL, et al. , 2021. Cymbella xiaojinensis sp. nov. , a new cymbelloid diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) from high altitude lakes, China [J]. Phytotaxa, 482(1): 55-64.

    • ZHANG ZY, RIOUAL P, PENG Y, et al. , 2017. Cymbella pamirensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from an alpine lake in the Pamir Mountains, Northwestern China [J]. Phytotaxa, 308(2): 249-258.