引用本文: | 杨 乐, 聂 聪, 龙小琴, 何基泽, 颜超越, 朱乾坤, 王万军.铁皮石斛SPL膜结合(STM)转录因子的全基因组鉴定及表达分析[J].广西植物,2023,43(6):1041-1050.[点击复制] |
YANG Le, NIE Cong, LONG Xiaoqin, HE Jize, YAN Chaoyue,
ZHU Qiankun, WANG Wanjun.Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of SPL with transmembrane motif(STM)transcription factor in Dendrobium officinale[J].Guihaia,2023,43(6):1041-1050.[点击复制] |
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铁皮石斛SPL膜结合(STM)转录因子的全基因组鉴定及表达分析 |
杨 乐, 聂 聪, 龙小琴, 何基泽, 颜超越, 朱乾坤, 王万军*
西南交通大学 生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031
摘要: |
SPL转录因子广泛参与植物生长发育、胁迫响应等过程。目前,没有关于铁皮石斛SPL膜结合(SPL with transmembrane motif)转录因子即STM转录因子的研究。为了探究STM转录因子在铁皮石斛生长发育及胁迫响应等方面的作用,该文在铁皮石斛全基因组水平鉴定出4个STM转录因子,并对DoSTM基因家族成员进行生物信息学分析,又利用逆转录PCR研究了DoSTM在不同组织部位及不同逆境处理下的表达情况。结果表明:(1)DoSTM1-4为亲水蛋白,均具有SBP保守结构域和一些激素响应位点。(2)4个DoSTM在根茎叶中均有表达,DoSTM2在叶中的相对表达量最低; DoSTM1/3/4的相对表达水平均无明显差异。(3)DoSTM1-4在低温、高温、干旱胁迫下的相对表达水平都有显著变化,DoSTM1/3/4的表达量降低最为明显,故推测DoSTM与植物体内激素响应、温度变化响应及抗旱性有关。这些结论为后续进一步开展铁皮石斛STM转录因子的研究提供了参考。 |
关键词: 铁皮石斛, STM转录因子, 基因鉴定, 功能分析, 基因表达 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202110045 |
分类号:Q943 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)06-1041-10 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31900164); 中央高校基本科研业务费(2682021CX121); 西南交大个性化实验项目(GX2021160027)。 |
Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of SPL with transmembrane motif(STM)transcription factor in Dendrobium officinale |
YANG Le, NIE Cong, LONG Xiaoqin, HE Jize, YAN Chaoyue,
ZHU Qiankun, WANG Wanjun*
School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Abstract: |
SPL transcription factors are widely involved in plant growth and development, stress response and so on. At present, there is no study on the STM(SPL with transmembrane motif)transcription factor in Dendrobium officinale. In order to explore the role of STM in the growth, development and stress response of D. officinale, four STM transcription factors were identified at the whole genome of D. officinale, and bioinformatics analysis of DoSTM gene family members were carried out. The expression of DoSTM in different tissue parts and different stress treatments were studied by reverse transcription PCR. The results were as follows:(1)DoSTM1-4 were hydrophilic proteins with SBP conserved domains and some hormone response sites.(2)Four DoSTM were expressed in root, stem and leaf, and the relative expression of DoSTM2 was the lowest in leaf; there was no significant differences in the relative expression level of DoSTM1/3/4.(3)The relative expression level of DoSTM1-4 changed significantly under low temperature, high temperature and drought stress, and the expression of DoSTM1/3/4 decreased most significantly. Therefore, it is speculated that DoSTM is related to hormone response, temperature change response and drought resistance in plants. These conclusions provide the reference for the further research on STM transcription factor of D. officinale. |
Key words: Dendrobium officinale, STM transcription factor, gene identification, functional analysis, gene expression |