“桂海”一词,较早出现在我国南朝梁文学家江淹的《杂体诗·袁太尉》:“文珍薄桂海”诗句中,以“南海有桂,故曰桂海“, 桂海是泛指南方近海的地方。其后,乾道七年(公元1171年),范成大以集英殿修撰出知静江府(今广西桂林)兼广西经略安抚使,就其见闻,追述广西山川、风物、花、果、草木的名著《桂海虞衡志》,亦用“桂海”一词,概指广西地区。
Note to English Journal Name “Guihaia”
The title of our journal GUIHAIA is Latinized Chinese characters “gui-hai”(桂海),Osmanthus Sea in meaning.
This term was firstly used in Marshal Yuan, a poem written by Jiang Yan, a literatus of Liang State during the South Dynasty(420 A. D. — 589 A. D. ), in which“Flourishing literature extended to the remote Guihai” as the old saying goes, “in the South near the sea, there are rich Osmanthus trees”, hence "Guihai" was named. Thus, the term referred vaguely to the southern land near the sea.
Later, in the seventh year of Qiandao (1171 A. D. ), Fan Chengda, the Governor of Prefecture of Jingjiang (now Guilin) and Grand South-West (now Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), used the word “Guihai” again in his well-known works Records of the Naturislist of GUIHAIA, tracing the landscape and botany of Guangxi( now Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region).
The purpose of using this simpified word "Guiahia" as the title of our journal is that it can be easily quoted our journal during the international academic exchanges.
Editorial Office of GUIHAIA