摘要: |
该文描述了采自浙江南部的木犀属(Osmanthus Lour.)一新种——浙南木犀(O. austrozhejiangensis Z.H. Chen, W.Y. Xie et X. Liu),并附有线描图和彩色照片。该种在具聚伞花序,叶柄、小枝、苞片、花梗被柔毛等性状上接近于毛柄木犀(O. pubipedicellatus Chia ex H. T. Chang),不同之处在于叶片倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,长(5.5~)8~10(~13)cm,宽(2.2~)3~4.5(~5)cm,先端急尖或短渐尖,叶缘具尖锐细锯齿或全缘,侧脉8~10对,花较大,花冠管长2.2~2.3 mm,裂片长2.2~3.0 mm,花丝长1.3~1.5 mm,花药长约1.2 mm。该新种的发现为研究东亚木犀属自西南向东北方向迁移与演化提供了新的材料。 |
关键词: 浙南木犀, 木犀属, 木犀科, 新种, 浙江 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201907069 |
分类号:Q949.776.2 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2021)01-0010-06 |
Fund project:浙江省第二次重点保护野生植物资源调查专项(335006-2013-0001); 浙江省野生植物资源调查、建档、编撰及《浙江植物志》(第二版)编著专项(335010-2015-0005)[Supported by the Zhejiang Provincial Program of the Second Investigation Project of Key Protected Wild Plant Resources(335006-2013-0001); the Zhejiang Provincial Program of Survey, File and Codification of Wild Plants and the Second Edition of Flora of Zhejiang(335010-2015-0005)]。 |
Osmanthus austrozhejiangensis(Oleaceae), a new species from Zhejiang |
XIE Wenyuan1, LIU Xi2, MEI Xudong3, CHEN Feng1, CHEN Zhenghai1*
1. Monitoring Centre of Forest Resources of Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310020, China;2. Administration of Zhejiang Wuyanling National Natural
Reserve, Taishun 325500, Zhejiang, China;3. Bureau of Science and Technology of Jingning, Jingning 323500, Zhejiang, China
Abstract: |
Osmanthus austrozhejiangensis Z.H. Chen, W.Y. Xie et X. Liu, a new species of Osmanthus Lour. from Zhejiang, is described with illustrations and color photographs. This new species is similar to O. pubipedicellatus Chia ex H.T. Chang in having cyme and puberulent on petiole, bract, pedicel, but differs from the former in having leaf blade obovate, obovate-elliptic or elliptic,(5.5-)8-10(-13)cm long,(2.2-)3 -4.5(-5)cm wide, apex acute or shortly acuminate, margin acutely serrate or entire, lateral veins 8-10 pairs; flowers larger, corolla tube 2.2-2.3 mm, lobes 2.2-3.0 mm; filaments 1.3-1.5 mm, anthers ca.1.2 mm. The discovery of this species provides new materials for studying the migration and evolution of Osmanthus from Southwest to Northeast in East Asia. |
Key words: Osmanthus austrozhejiangensis, Osmanthus Lour., Oleaceae, new species, Zhejiang |