Special Column: Karst and Karst Tiankeng Plant Research



Research on flora of seed plants in Dashiwei Karst Tiankeng Group of Leye, Guangxi
  SHEN Lina1, HOU Manfu2*, XU Weibin3, HUANG Yunfeng4, LIANG Shichu5, ZHANG Yuanhai1, JIANG Zhongcheng1, CHEN Weihai1
  Published June 25, 2020
  Abstract(8914)  View PDF(2737)
Effects of vegetation restoration on soil aggregate associatedorganic carbon and carbon pool management index in karst trough valley region
  LAN Jiacheng1,2*, SHEN Yan3,4
  Published June 25, 2020
  Abstract(4778)  View PDF(1995)
Growth and nodule biomass characteristics of Alnus formosana in karst mountains
  HOU Yuanrui1,2,3, HUANG Xiaorong1, OU Zhiyang1, PANG Shilong1, SHEN Wenhui1*
  Published June 25, 2020
  Abstract(4257)  View PDF(1783)
Leaf functional traits of Zanthoxylum planispinum var. dintanensis at different altitudes in dry-hot valley rocky desertification region
  LI Hong1, YU Yanghua2*
  Published June 25, 2020
  Abstract(4660)  View PDF(1808)
Differences of plant diversity and soil physicochemical properties in Maolan karst forest under different topographic conditions
  ZHENG Luan, LONG Cuiling*
  Published June 25, 2020
  Abstract(4642)  View PDF(1946)
Biomass allocation and allometric analysis of Vetiveria zizanioides in different planting years on coal spoil-heaps
  MAO Yuanyuan1, HAO Jun1, LONG Shuiyi1, XU Zhongdan1, SHENG Meiqun 1, Cheng Wei1,2*
  Published June 25, 2020
  Abstract(3764)  View PDF(1865)