Special Column: Ecological and Environmental Botany



Effects of lead and cadmium on physiology and biochemical indexes of Davidia involucrata seedlings
  LIU Chaorong1, ZHANG Liuqing1, YANG Yan1,2*, HUANG Xing1, LI Yunxiang1,2, QUAN Qiumei1,2, ZHU Xiaohua1,2
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(3669)  View PDF(1312)
Effects of auxin on Mn accumulation and toxicity in rice
  CUI Xinyue1, LING Guizhi2, XIAO Jinglin1, QIN Mei1, TANG Xinlian1,2, LI Xiaofeng1,2*
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(3693)  View PDF(1435)
Mechanism for salt tolerance of salt-tolerant mutant ‘BINPU 1.' of Taraxacum mongolicum
  CHEN Guiping1, ZHANG Xiaodong2*
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(2986)  View PDF(1267)
Isolation of two cold-tolerant PGPB strains from northern
  HE Min, WANG Xiupu, LI Yan, DAI Zhicong, WANG Congyan, DU Hai, DU Daolin*
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(3044)  View PDF(1516)
Tibetan soil and effects on growth of local grass
  YAN Zeng, ZHAO Penghui, YANG Shuhong*, MA Yongtao, ZHANG Jiangtao
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(3432)  View PDF(1301)
Concentration and its stoichiometrics of leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of Pleioblastus amarus forest from different altitudinal gradients
  LIN Hua1, XIE Yanyan2, YANG Liting2, CHEN Shuanglin2, GUO Ziwu2*
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(3104)  View PDF(1264)
Effects of altitude on leaf traits of Fritillaria unibracteata
  CHEN Wennian*, CAI Pingyuan
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(3163)  View PDF(1391)
Fruiting of Psammochloa villosa, an endemic desert plant, under different ecological and environmental conditions
  LIU Feng1,2,3, MA Zilan1,2,3, LIU Tao2,4, LÜ Ting2,4, LIANG Ruifang1,2, SU Xu1,2,3, ZHOU Yonghui5, LIU Yuping1,2*
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(4103)  View PDF(1234)
Response of stomatal characteristics and its plasticity to light change in leaves of six epiphytes in subtropical forests
  PU Xiaoyan1,2, WANG Pengcheng3, LI Su1*, LU Zhiyun1,4, SONG Yu5
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(4771)  View PDF(1298)
Effects of mixture of valuable nitrogen-fixing tree species Dalbergia odorifera and second-generation Eucalyptus urophylla on structure and function of soil microbial community in subtropical China
  CHEN Yongkang1, TAN Xumai1, LI Meng1, XU Haocheng1, MO Xueqing1, XIAO Na1, YOU Yeming1,2, HUANG Xueman1,2, WEN Yuanguang1,2, ZHU Hongguang1,2*
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(4209)  View PDF(1338)
Adaptation of Pinellia ternate photoreaction system to diurnal changes of light and temperature
  DONG Yi1,2,3, CHEN Junwen1,2,3, XIE Shiqing1,2,3, ZHANG Jinyan1,2,3*
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(2853)  View PDF(1291)
Ecological stoichiometry characteristics of needle leaves and roots in different age and density stands of Pinus massoniana plantations
  LIANG Yueming1, PAN Fujing2*, MA Jiangming3, YANG Zhangqi4, LING Tianwang5, LI Mingjin5, LU Shaohao5, ZHONG Fengyue5
  Published September 25, 2021
  Abstract(3401)  View PDF(1419)